Today is my parent’s 38th wedding anniversary, and today’s blog post is just a quick homage to them. Earlier today my sister said, “You have taught us about unconditional love and respect through the best and worst of times. You both are so positive and complain so little. You know how to have a good time and don’t take life too seriously! I love that you still love spending time together everyday and enjoy the “little things” in life!” The only thing that I would add to this is that we were lucky to grow up watching you both as our example. We saw a couple that would do anything for each other. You always worked as a team, and you were never afraid or embarrassed to express your love for one another. You have shown us that no matter how many years may pass, when you find true love, happiness fills all the days of your life.
As many of you already know, my father and I recently published a book of poems, Fleeting Moments.
The below poem was written by my father for my mother. I hope you have a wonderful anniversary. As the Beatles said “all you need is love”.
Wedding Day
Standing at the altar
A lump rising in my throat
I watch you walk down the aisle
My hands search for something to do
My lips
Curl up in a smile
Love isn’t much
Left alone in the dark
Where it wilts and dies
And I wasn’t much
Until you came along
With love’s light
In your eyes
Now you’re beside me
As I recall my life
Before you came in
It was carnivals
Merry Go rounds
And games nobody wins
How could I have
So many friends
Always crowding my home
Yet lack
The special touch
That kept me
From being alone
Slipping a gold band
On your ring finger
I know our love
Won’t end
I could be happy
The rest of my life
With you as my only friend
We’ll never play
Carnival games
Where love is a game
Of pretend
We’ll never be alone
In a room full of friends
Now we pledge forever
We’ll be together
Whatever may come
Through joy and sorrow
We’ll face tomorrow
As one
No my love wasn’t much
Until it bathed in your sunshine
And started to grow
Whatever we do
It will be me and you
Until our hair
Is whiter than snow